Chiropractic Care for Injury Treatment: A Natural Approach to Healing

For athletes who want to play their best and stay healthy, chiropractic care is an invaluable tool. Unlike surgery or medication, it facilitates the body’s natural healing abilities and addresses the underlying causes of injury to prevent future damage. In fact, studies have shown that patients who receive regular chiropractic care after a sports-related injury are up to two times less likely to require surgery than those who don’t.

Quicker Healing

When an injury occurs, the body immediately increases production of white blood cells that fight infection and encourage healing. However, certain injuries impair the flow of white blood cells to the injured area, leading to slower recovery. Chiropractors improve blood flow to the injured area by removing restrictions in joints and tissue through spinal adjustment and musculoskeletal therapy.

Reduced Reliance on Pain Medication

When you’re in pain, it’s tempting to reach for an over-the-counter or prescription pain reliever, but these drugs only mask your symptoms. In contrast, chiropractic addresses the cause of your pain and triggers the production of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine to naturally relieve it. These hormones also boost immune function, helping you recover faster from the injury.

Corrected Posture and Alignment

The spine’s natural curvature is essential for balance, stability, and weight distribution. When this curve is compromised, it can lead to misalignment and other musculoskeletal problems that increase your risk of injury. Chiropractors who are trained in BioPhysics can identify and correct these structural changes in the spine, preventing future injury.

Reduced Tingling and Numbness

If your injury is causing pressure on nerves, you may experience tingling or numbness in your arms, legs, back, or buttocks. Fortunately, this is easy to treat with chiropractic therapies. Spinal manipulation, massage, flexion-distraction, and other treatments decrease the pressure on spinal nerves and discs, relieving these annoying symptoms and speeding up your recovery time.

Prevention of Recurring Injury

If you suffer from a recurring injury, it can be difficult to know how and when to seek treatment. However, seeking out chiropractic treatment before an injury even occurs can help you avoid chronic pain and recurrent injury.

Whether you’re a professional athlete or an avid recreational player, you’ll eventually suffer from a sports injury. Seeing a chiropractor in Atlanta at the first sign of discomfort can significantly improve your recovery time and help you get back to playing sooner. Contact us today if you need and Atlanta chiropractic care at Midtown Family Wellness.

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